CCDD’s diary

Lots of Worries


Singapore🇸🇬 is planning a second package of measures to support businesses and workers in staying afloat, maintaining employment levels and retraining amid the coronavirus outbreak. Retrenched workers and the unemployed will also get help, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Thursday. Hotels, aviation, hospitality, and freelance workers in the gig economy have been especially hard-hit, though "no one has been spared". If a major outbreak happens, the government could impose compulsory telecommuting or staggered work hours, but the situation in the country currently remains under control, he added in his speech.

インターネットを通じて単発の仕事を請け負う働き方のこと。gig はライブハウスでの短いセッションや、クラブでの一度限りの演奏のこと。



Infodemic にも注意っていうけど、何が正しいかの判断が、なかなか難しいな。

An excessive amount of information concerning a problem such that the solution is made more difficult
Origin: From information + epidemic