CCDD’s diary


授業で Pro-Choice vs Pro-Life の話題を扱っていて

Pro reproductive rights の考え方は

Everone has the basic human rights to decide  when and whether to have children so they have the ability to choose abortion as an option for unplanned pregnancy. 言い換えれば 

The right to bodily autonomy なるほど!

Anti-abortion の考え方は 

All human life is created equal regardless of size, level of development, education and degree of dependency. Therefore, taking the life of a preborn baby is violation of the fundamental right to life.

みたないな話。結局リスクとか女性の身体とかを鑑みて、リベラルなPro-choice の考え方が多かったが、サイズのとこで下ネタ的反応があり、おっとー。

1973年以来の考え方、Roe v Wade の憲法14条の信念、が覆されれば、22州でillegalに。seismic abortion shift が。

でもPlanned Parenhood が言うように The bottom line is ...

Decisions about whether to choose adoption, and a pregnancy, or continue a pregnancy should be made by a pregnant person with the counsel of their family, their faith, and their health care provider.

納得だー。両意見とJunoのリンクも一応Classsroom に貼り付けておいたよ。