CCDD’s diary


グレタさんがTIME の表紙に‼︎



Thunberg, whose solo protest in Sweden in 2018 has since snowballed into a global movement, spoke at a press conference before a march through the centre of Madrid. She said that although schoolchildren had been striking around the world, this “has not translated into action” from governments.


“I sincerely hope COP25 will reach something concrete and increase awareness among people, and that world leaders and people in power grasp the urgency of the climate crisis, because right now it does not seem that they are,” she said.

プロテストは痛みを伴うし 継続するのにもエネルギーがいる

Although young people would keep striking, Thunberg said, they wanted to stop – if governments made credible promises and showed a willingness to act.



Renae Baptiste, from  the Caribbean Youth Environmental Network in Haiti said: “For us, climate change is no longer a concept or theory, it’s our new reality. It’s affecting our lives now.”

温暖化によりチフス マラリア デング熱 コレラなんかの感染症のリスクが高まるからね

手に手をとり ぜひとも具体的な方針を打ち出してもらいたい